
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thankfulness Day 14

Today was busy in the morning. I'm training to take over as primary treasurer for our church and did training with the current primary. Geesh! I had forgotten how chilly a cinder-block structure can get in late autumn without a heat source. Yeah, not even winter and I had to turn on the under-the-desk heater or I may have frozen! Oy! To get an idea.....find a storm cellar and go down into it (must not be attached to the a basement-type of one). You'll get an idea. After, I had more blood drawn and bought a sandwich from the cafe in the clinic before I left. The blood thing? Long story.....another post. Short infection that I'm still fighting since the end of July. Yeah....told ya it was a long one.

I am thankful for my sister.
*No pic since I'm probably not going to post pics of family members....other than my little immediate family*
I was a "menopausal" baby. Mom was 42; dad was 54....second marriage for both. My sister (according to her) prayed for a baby sister since she was small. She had a brother, but wanted a sister to chat with and do girlie things. took a while and a different hubby for her (and mine) mom, but at age 17, her baby sister (me) was born. Our relationship has had its ups and downs. I grew up at times wanting to be just like her and then wanting to be nothing like her. Part of it was mom. She would say I had a lazy intelligence and if I just tried, I could be a straight-A student like my sister (the nothing like). Then I would talk to her and hear all of the "cool" grown-up stuff she was doing was dreamt of "one day" (the just like). Somewhere down the line, she fell off the pedestal I had put her on and I almost hated her. So it went....back and forth....for many years.

Through elementary school.
Middle School.
High School.
Her divorce.
Living with her first semester of university.
Having a HUGE fight and joining the Air Force.
Me not speaking to her for months at a time.
Picking a guy she didn't approve of.
I got married to said guy. She loved him (told her ;-) )
Moving to a small island out in the middle of the ocean.
Her move across three states.
Our move to Florida.
Then.....hubby went on a deployment {It was supposed to be 3-months, but came back 7 1/2 months later}.
I got lonely.
So.....I called the sister.
And slowly we worked to build a relationship. Not just because God made it to where we had the same mom, but as someone I can call and talk for hours with. Our longest at-one-time conversation was during our time in Florida. It was.....over 12 hours. We went through two batteries on our house phones. We would switch to the other one while that first one charged....over and over. We both straightened our houses and watched a show or two "together." That phone call cemented it. Do we still talk that long? No. It's not because we can't find the time. It's that pesky time zone difference. I'm 7 hours ahead. Which is not a good thing unless it's on the weekend, but since we both have lives and things we do, it's not easy. So, it's normally a 3 hour conversation instead. I got Magic Jack and "he" kicks us off and 90 minutes. So, we hang up; wait a few; and I'll call back to "finish" the conversation.

Thankful for her innocent, child prayer all of those years ago. We're both better because of it.

Thankfulness Day 13

Yep, waaaaay behind again. I will not give up, but will catch up. Well, maybe not before the end of the month given.....well, life. I'll explain why when I get to those days :-)

Tuesday. Woke up with another migraine. Seriously?!?!?! That's two in one month. Oy! I dread thinking what's going on inside my brain. I've heard rumors and theories about what migraines (constant ones anyway) cause. Am I in that category? How many a month is constant? One? More? Does skipping a month take me off the list? Well, guess we shall see....eventually. Hmmmm

Instead of sitting home and....oh, taking drugs and sleeping it off (not me...), I went to the market.
Now, if you're in America, that means the grocery store. Here in Italy, that means an outdoor market. part of what my "Thankful" is today. I'll tell what it is, then explain more. I am thankful for Italian culture. One thing that is hard for Americans here is reposo. Hubby calls it "sleepy time." {I'll get into the history in a later post} The majority of the stores (pretty much all but malls) and restaurants close from 1230/1:00 until 230/3:00. When the actual closing is depends on the specific store. But pretty much everything has reopened by 3:30. Including petrol stations. You can still "fill 'er up", but you're doing the pumping. Odd? Being part of the military stationed here, we buy Gas Coupons. We pay $X for up to 300 liters (depending on the size of the engine in the primary car) and "Pay" with those coupons when we go to certain petrol station chains. If they're closed, we have to pay out of pocket. thanks....not unless we have no choice. 1 liter=almost 3,50 Euros. That's over $4 a liter not gallon. Put it this way. When we fill up our jeep when it's about 1/4 left (like today), we paid 35 liters. Here, I'll do the math: 35 liters X $4 (cheaper than it is)=$140. The whole 300 liter book cost roughly (depending on the exchange rate) $130. See why we gauge our fill times?

WOW! That was a rabbit trail. hehe
Another culture item is the town market. {Yep, finally getting back to that} This is when vendors set up stalls or flip the sides of their trucks up and sell everything from shoes to rugs to produce to seafood. Here's some pics from two different markets.
Gloves, scarfs, umbrellas

Yellow one sells cheeses; front right womens clothes

Plants....flowering and not

Close-up of a few of those plants

Random booths

Shoes and boots
Tuesday is market day for the town close to us. Not our town. Our town only has a hand-ful of vendors. The one I go to nearly every week is not too far away; most of my church friends go (we meet for shopping and then a cafe....YUM); there's a good amount of vendors, but kinda spread out, so you get your walking in without realizing it. ;-) The other market is further away and on Thursdays. One or 2 pics are from that one. I've only been to that one twice. There is a market in nearly every decent-sized town here. It is where the folks wen before the chain stores started. Farmers set-up their trucks and sold fresh produce (in season=healthier) and they bought for the week until the next market. Some of the bigger towns have a market twice a week.

I love the "old-time" feel. Back to Basics is a theme I'm working on working on. Soooo much healthier and better for me. :-)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thankfulness Day 12


I have an on-going To Do list. I have never finished everything on it. Every time I cross one item off, I tend to add at least one or two more to it. Part of that reason is "stick-to-it-ness". I will be in the midst of doing one thing and happen to notice something out of place. Next thing you know, I stop doing A to take care of B. While I'm in the room where B is/goes, I notice C out of place. Well, you get the point. This is a normal day for me. It's not that I don't want to finish A, I just get very easily....oooo butterfly. ;-)

Another reason for the Never Ending To Do List is that I can always find something to do or add to it. As we all know, the one thing constant about life is change. Whether that is clothes that never stay clean or dishes that never stay washed or a floor that never stays de-haired or....well, things Don't. Stay. Put. Ever.

However, today I was able to tick off two items (well, biggies) from that list. One was to hang up hubby's autumn/winter clothes that I had brought up....oh, a week or so ago. You see, hubby left on his extended business trip back in the summer. Back in late spring/early summer, he decided to pack his "cold weather" clothes into two totes and carry them downstairs and put them in the garage. Not long after, he found out that he was definitely leaving on business. When is he scheduled to be home? Not sure, but sometime between the proverbial now and mid-February. Yep, during that nice cool weather. Sooooo I decided to be nice and bring up the totes. Not easy given that stairs are a way of going to and from the garage. And carrying anything that requires both hands is not something I plan on doing anytime soon. Fortunately, I bought a collapsible dolly. That $30 item has been a life saver. So I loaded up both totes and pulled it upstairs. And that's where they sat. Until the 12th. All clothes from those totes are now sorted and hung up.
The other will remain description-less since it's a Christmas present for my family. Do the parents read this? computer. *gasp! Other than that, no least they haven't mentioned it, but I'm not going to take any chances. But....the other tick was creating and ordering said gifts. :-)

Although the 11th was technically the day, it is observed today. I'm talking about Veterans Day. And I am thankful for the reason for this day. I come from a family of veterans.
My dad was in WWII (not a typo).
One uncle was in Korea.
Another uncle was in Vietnam.
A dear friend was in the Gulf.
I served 4 years myself during the mid-90s.
I am currently married to an active duty Air Force guy.
And that's just me. My husband comes from proud military members as well. As do quite a few of my friends.

The reason that the US has the freedoms it currently has it through their veterans. It started after the pilgrims landed. They fought for the land...for religious freedom. They made peace and settled....and expanded. The Crown didn't like that, so they yet again fought for rule independent of Great Britain. There has been a civil war and two world wars. Current war is nothing like that first war...a time we'll remember within the next week or so. Current wars aren't fought on American soil at hand-to-hand anymore. A lot of the reasons is to go to the baddies because they can sit in a spot miles away and destroy lives.
This isn't a post however about pro or anti war. This is about being thankful for those men and women who have vowed and signed a contract to "support and defend the Constitution". I am thankful that the majority of people (regardless of whether they agree or disagree with the war(s)) do support the troops. There are a few ill-informed idiots that pick on the "worker" as opposed to the "boss-in-charge", but fortunately I haven't met many.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankfulness Day 11


Starting last night, it rained off and on all night and most of the day. The way our house is built, if you have the windows and doors closed and can still hear the rain, it's raining pretty hard. I could hear it pouring. That meant it was raining a lot harder than I could hear. I read on a Facebook page that someone had asked if there was a river that had formed in anyone else's street. Yep, it was that bad for our section of the region.

Given that it was a Sunday, I would normally get up, get dressed, and normally either eat something waiting for Belle to come in (after letting her out while I get dressed) or eat on the way. The destination? Church. Growing up, Sundays have meant a day of rest and to worship at the Lord's House. This Sunday.....everything was off. I went to bed in a bad sullen mood. I got up in a sullen mood. I hadn't finished schoolwork that was due around midnight (an on-line class). It was pouring rain, which meant wet feet. So, I thought I would wear jeans and a nice shirt. And yes, that's an okay outfit for our church.
And that's when the already yucky day got worse. The jeans I grabbed fit fine last December, but somehow they didn't fit anymore. I will say that the weather fit my mood or vice versa.

The day was spent in a kind of a sulk. I could've cared less if homework was done or anything else for that matter. My blah mood turned into a case of the "Who Cares?!?!". The night finished off with the storm doing something to the house and the power going out. I waited for almost an hour before going to bed. CREEPY!!!!! I've learned that I do not want to live in the country....too quiet. I like noise when I go to bed. If it wasn't for a clock ticking the seconds by, the house would have been completely quiet. No. Thank. You!!!

The way the electricity is installed in the houses here, there's a safety mechanism built in. Whenever a light bulb blows or an electrical component pops, a breaker pops. If it's something like a light bulb, it could pop a single breaker. OR if the house (or a transformer outside up on one of those poles) gets zapped by lightning, the main breaker pops. THAT is a good thing.

However, there is one tiny issue.....the breaker box is downstairs. There are two ways to get to it: 1. Down the inside stairs....the same stairs I had my accident on or 2. Down the front stairs, through the garage door. Ummmmm....definite NO on least I don't feel faint when looking at the stairs anymore. As for #2, not at midnight, in a quiet village, when it's pitch black, in the pouring rain/windy/storm. Soooooo I decided to deal with it in the morning and went to bed (see above).

I woke up, grabbed a light (electric was still out), put shoes on, and went down the front stairs, through the garage door, and turned on the popped main breaker. Belle was nice enough protective enough to go with and stay with me while I did so. :-D

That major minor detail of going to bed, alone (Belle deserted me for her bed in the lounge), in a creepily quiet house made my thankful for the 11th very easy....I am beyond thankful for a cold, dark evening and a man named Benjamin Franklin and his invention of......electricity!
Ben Franklin
Image found:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankfulness Day 10


On Christmas Eve 1999 around 7:30pm, there was a knock at our front door. Hubby went to go answer it while I held onto the collar of our dog Danny. He spoke to the visitor for a few minutes in low tones; wished the person a Merry Christmas; then I heard the door shut. I let Danny go and stood so we could leave to go look at Christmas lights (our original plan). Lights left my mind when he walked around the corner. In his arms was a tan length of fluff with a huge red bow around her neck. She was sooooo tiny and nervous. We learned she was born about 2 weeks after we got married. By the time she arrived at our door (an early Christmas present from my darling hubby), she was only 4 months old.

From that time on, her and her brother (not by birth) have been constant companions to us. Since hubby's job takes him away for weeks or sometimes months at a time, those moving pieces of furniture have been with me through thick and thin. Through good and bad. Through tears and smiles. Through hurrahs and fears. Through health and sickness. Through an accident (post after November thankfulness is over) and through the healing process.

June 14, 2012 was a rough day. Belle's brother Danny passed away. The vet believes that it was because of a tumor...either in his liver or pancreas. Since that time, Belle has been a sweet, caring companion that has helped me get through another one of hubby's looooong work trips. She is sweet, cheeky, loving, and a comforting presence. I am thankful that God has given us such a sweet friend.

I was on my way to bed and found this....

Thankfulness Day 9

Today was a few errands and more training. I've been training one day a week for the past few weeks to take over as Treasurer at our church. It helps both me (who for the moment is assistant treasurer) and the primary. Why? He needs to devote more time to family and I'm in university to obtain an accounting degree. So, we both benefit. Win win I guess.

I am very glad that my dad pushed my husband and I to "find a church when {we got} home." But we couldn't just pick any church. Why not? 1. We live in Italy. 2. We don't speak/understand Italian....well, enough not to starve. lol  3. We're not Catholic (the dominate religion here). Hubby was told of a church in a specific area. We found out later that the church the folks had meant was across the street and not the one we walked into. Divine intervention. We were meant to go into this specific church. The majority of the people that also go to this church feel like members of our family. The pastor and his wife are surrogate parents to many....including me. Yep, they treat me like a daughter and I treat them like parents. Let me clarify: I treat them like parents after a child that's grown up and has her own life and not a sponge. Experience? A few friends back in America haven't learned that lesson quite yet.
OKAY.....that was a rabbit trail.


The 9th was scheduled as an evening to go to a restaurant to have steaks and then across the river to get gelato. The steaks aren't small. They are cooked over an open fire to request. Salad, fries, and grilled veggies are placed on the table to be passed around.

This evening was spent in the company of a great group of folks from the above-mentioned church. I laughed so hard on the way up to the restaurant; during the time at the restaurant and the gelateria; and most of the way back. We ate yummy food until we were all stuffed and almost bursting at the seams. The camaraderie was wonderful and the laughter was much needed. I think part of the laughter had to do with arriving back at the church at close to midnight, but who knows?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankfulness Day 8

A rough morning. I woke up with a headache. Sounds bad right? Well, a morning headache turns into a migraine rather quickly. I ate my breakfast bar with a mini Coke and downed 2 Aleve hoping that the chocolate, the caffeine, and the drugs would work together and work quickly. I should have known better.

I was rather blessed however. Normally when I have a morning migraine, I tend to get nauseous. If I eat (in order to take meds), I get sick. That didn't happen....yeah! However, the fact that the best thing I can do is to eat, take meds, and then nap for 2 hours to kill the ache didn't apparently dawn on me.

A few hours later, I ate lunch and took 2 more Aleve...once again thinking within 20 minutes Bye-Bye ache.
When will I learn?
I spent the whole day snacking (bad) and drinking Coke (bad) and vegging in front of the computer watching back episodes of CSI. See....being overseas I miss a lot of shows. I am rather behind on.....well, most of them. So, I've been trying to get mostly caught up. That was my day.

What I'm thankful for is knowledge.
--Knowledge I'm receiving from all of the college classes that I take on-line in order to obtain a Bachelor's degree.
--Knowledge that comes from experience. Sometimes this particular knowledge is hard won. Literally.
--Knowledge that comes from life. Each day I learn something new. That is one thing that we should always strive for: learn something new Every. Single. Day.

Image from:

One day I will look back on this time. I will hopefully retain most of what I'm currently learning. I hope to continue to soak in knowledge. Not only concerning my degree, but also "street" knowledge and common sense.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankfulness Day 7

The election results technically came in late last night, but given that I was asleep by the time all of the polls closed, it was morning before I learned the result. Am I surprised by the results? Some. I'm the type of voter that wants to know what the results of ALL of the ballot...not just the "biggie." So, I did a search and came up with a website that gave me what I was looking for: results by state and then broken down by county. That gave me the result of everything I voted on. A few, I was surprised. I wondered if some of the amendments weren't actually read and/or researched by the voters. Did the "title" sound good? Oh yeah. However, when you actually read what it wanted to do, the result was not something I wanted....or something I did want depending on the issue. Was the result of the "biggie" surprising? Not after I read the results of the other states amendments. And I'll leave my election comments at that. The End.

I am thankful for plenty to eat. In our house we have the normal fridge/freezer. We also have two food cabinets and a couple shelves in our pantry. Those added together equal being very blessed. We have enough to eat as well as to help out others that are less fortunate.

This is an old picture. It's a lot more empty (de-cluttered) and more organized. The picture is about 2 years old...ish.

That is one thing that I learned growing up: help others out. Did my parents specifically teach that? No. They didn't have to. I learned to help others in need by watching what they did nearly Every. Single. Day. They taught me by example. They taught me right from wrong; about the Lord and His Word; about being honest; many others that I can't think of right now. What they didn't "teach" was how they lived. When my parents came across someone in need of something, they had something at home that might work.

Example: Someone they know mentions needing to go get a warmer coat for winter.
Response: "You know? I think I might have an "old" coat at home that won't fit anymore. I'll bring it just might fit you."
Wouldn't you know it? That coat fit nearly perfect. Was it old? Rarely. But it was a way to help out so that the person wouldn't feel like they were taking charity. Well, if you're not using it......  As far as I know, they are still doing that. My dad's a mechanic. He enjoys working on mowers and weed eaters. He's fixed quite a few for folks to "help them out".

A lesson learned, but not taught.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankfulness Day 5

Today was busy. I got a message Sunday night asking if I could work today. I am the assistant secretary at our church. Well, that's the title, but I mainly fill in for the actual secretary when she is either on holiday, sick, or (as happened today) is indisposed. After work (which is a total of 5 hours a day for 2 days a week), I ran all my weekly errands...or so I thought until I got home. *sigh Oh well, good thing I have an appointment Wednesday since I forgot a couple things. I spent the evening watching a movie: "Madea's Witness Protection." OMStars!!!!!!!!! I laughed until my sides hurt and tears were streaming down my face. Love a Tyler Perry movie. I have yet to find a bad one.

I am thankful for being able to fill in for the full-time secretary. Not too long ago I wasn't able to because of an infection (and then allergic reactions) from a random bug bite. Of all of the folks in the area, me and some  guy (get that...TWO people) happen to be allergic to the bites. Nice. That is also a topic for a different post. Let's just say that it happened the end of July and I'm still fighting the infection. Anywho...... I am not only thankful for the ability to go in, but also the extra money that comes from those few hours that will help when we move. Moving expenses from Italy are...well, let's just say OUCH. Or so we've heard. I'm taking all of the comments and tips and gripes I've heard from people who have already done so to heart and have started to compile my list(s) and my buffers. One buffer is where the funds are going. I have time and will utilize as much time as we're given. Also, I'm thankful I'm able to help out a church and church family that has helped me/us in the past 2 years. I truly do no know where I would be if not for the church and a few key folks there...especially the ladies. Amazing group of women. Some have already moved on ( other countries or America), some are still here, but all are added to my thankful list. Love them!

Thankfulness Day 6

*Edited: This is the normal post for today. I forgot to post Mondays, so there are two for today (Tuesday)

Today was a busy day for me, but enjoyable. I met a few lovely ladies at a nearby town. We had a cafe, then strolled through the market where I got Rucola (or Arugala in America), butter cookies, and 2 scarfs. We went and had lunch with half of it coming home with me in a box for lunch in a day or two. Then one of the ladies and I went to 2 shops further away. One is a store that sells fresh fruit, veg, and meat for cheaper than most stores. I got Brussels Sprouts; my friend got some cauliflower. They also sell common spices for cheaper than I can get it around the corner...less than $1. Driving home was distracting given God decided to showcase His latest painting. After I dropped my friend off at her house, I stopped on the way home to get this:

Although it's not as amazing as the previous sights, it was still beautiful. The pic was taken with my phone, so it's grainy and doesn't pick up either the lightning flickering above/behind the top cloud or the light pink just above the clouds.

Today I am grateful for a particular freedom. November the 6th, occurring every four years, Americans vote on who they want to work to run their country. Not too many years ago (definitely in my parent's lifetime....although they are older than most....besides the point.....anywho.....), the only Americans that were allowed to vote were white men. That's it. Now, all US citizens over 18 can vote. I'm doubly blessed since I am not currently residing IN the US at the moment.

Did I exercise my right? Yes I did. But not on this day did I drive my vehicle to a voting site, show my voter's card and ID, go inside a curtained booth, push buttons to select my choices, and walk out after receiving a sticker. I did 8 years ago. This year, as well as 4 years ago, I exercised my right via Absentee Ballot by mail. I requested my form via mail and waited. I received an email that allowed me to download and print my ballot....which included my state of residency (per the district) choices as well. I then mailed it off to the Election office for my state in order for it to be counted along with all of the other mail-in ballots. While I won't mention who all I chose, I will say that I am thankful that our forefathers, along with amendments and technology, allowed me to exercise a freedom on this day, a specific day held only once every 4 years.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankfulness Day 4

Today was a cool and rainy Sunday. I woke up and wondered if I shouldn't be still asleep. I looked over at the clock....nope, time to get up. That's one thing I don't like about days like're body wonders for most of the day if it should still be recharging somewhere. I got plenty of sleep, but yawned all day like it was past midnight. As I'm typing this, I can hear it pouring. When that happens I know it's hard rain as my dad says. The walls of the houses here in Italy aren't built like American houses. Nope. The walls are cinderblocks and concrete. Yeah, hanging pictures are a blast! That is until we got smart, but that's for a different post. Anywho......the point is, the walls are thick! That is also kinda a bad thing in the winter. Once the walls cool down to the outside temp (it takes them a couple days of consistent cool), they hold in the cold. The way I explained it to my sister was this: think about it this's like living in a electric/radiator-ran cellar....only above ground. The walls are solid....there is NO way there is a vehicle going through these babies!
Ummmmm.....where was I? Oh yeah. The point of this post. Thankfulness.

Today I am thankful for healing. One day (probably after this month is over) I will type up what happened a year ago in detail. Suffice it to say, I splintered both leg bones in my left leg last July. One year ago, I was hobbling down the stairs (all 24 of them) in the chill and the rain in this:

Some doctors call it a walking boot; some call it a moon boot. While I hated putting it on every. single. time I got out of bed or the shower and taking it off every. single. time I went to bed or took a shower, I was thankful I had it. The black contraption meant that I was allowed to walk anywhere without the support of a wheelchair or crutches. While I dreaded it, I grew rather attached to it.

A year's still rainy, but today my footwear was

.....a pair of white strappy dress shoes. The heel is no longer high (maybe an inch), but that little heel is a HUGE improvement to the sandals and the trainers I was wearing. :-)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankfulness Day 3

Today was still cool, but not as chilly as it has been. I spent the day inside...kinda bummed. Why? Who knows. I have days where I'm just "bummy" as I tell hubby. Maybe it's chick hormones or the weather or the earlier times for darkness. I am still reminded, even on those not-so-happy-cheerful days that there is much to be thankful for.

It's been difficult narrowing my choice for today. I could probably start at A and go through Z (Z might be hard one...hmmmmmm) with at least one thing that I'm thankful for. I don't want to pick just a random thing each day though. I want to choose something, each day, that I the most thankful for on that day. I already know what tomorrow's will be (I, but this is today.

Today I am most thankful for my salvation. One of the reasons I've been "bummy" is that I haven't felt all that "public worthy". Makes no sense? That's means that I have no desire to go out into public until I change something. Sometimes I have no choice....there are things to do, errands to run, and no hubby to send after work to do them (he's on a business trip). Today, fortunately, was not one of those days. Even when I feel at my not-so-good or even at my worst (those lovely days of sickness that we all have), He still loves me.

Years ago I realized I needed Jesus Christ, confessed my sins, and became His child. I strayed a few years later out of anger (long story....maybe one day). I came back to Him like the story of the Prodigal Son. Even on days like today or those "Ugh! Just kill me now and put me out of my misery" days, He doesn't see the "ickyness" or the "grossness" or the "illness". He just sees His child. And He loves me.

There have been times when it was just me and my 2 dogs (or now just 1) and I have felt so alone. I've cried out to Him for comfort...knowing that there was no one else I could call or turn to (sometimes because of my stubbornness not to call, but that's beside the point). Guess what? He heard me (as He always has and always will) and comforted me. I can't begin to explain it, but suddenly I didn't feel so alone. I didn't feel like the whole world was against me and hated me (yep, that's irrational...I have a loving family). I didn't feel unloved or unwanted.

The Bible speaks of Heaven. Yes, I do believe that it is a real place that I will go whenever I die. However, if there was no Heaven; no way to see loved ones that have passed on; no way I could thank Jesus (in person) for all He's done for me and all He gave up, I would still be thankful that I became one of His children all those years ago and came back those years later. The comfort alone in those times when I need it the most is worth it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankfulness Day 2

While the weather is still the autumn-type chilly, it was nice and sunny all day. My lovely dog Belle was happy to spend a large portion of it outside if front of the drive-through gate watching/sniffing all of the folks that walked/rode their bikes by. That seems to be her favorite part...she's happy just to lay in front of the gate and people-watch.

Today (and all of the other ones too) I am thankful for my darling hubby.

We met in 1996 and married just under 3 years later. He is my best friend and soul-mate. He is one of the few people in the world I can talk to and tell just about anything. He loves me when I'm having a good day, having fun, joking with him. He also loves me when I'm cranky, whiny, and down. His job takes him away for months at a time....this time as well. We keep in touch via calls (him to me), emails, and Facebook (sometimes just "checking in" and sometimes chats).

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Month of Thankfulness

Last year, a friend on Facebook reposted a challenge....I decided to accept the challenge and actually completed it. I've decided sometime during the year that I have spent waaaaaaay too much time on FB, so have decided to try to complete the challenge via this sorely-neglected blog.
What is the challenge?

To post something every day during the entire month of November for something you're thankful for that day. I did my utmost to never post duplicates, but something different each day. It helps give thanks back to the Lord for His many blessings. It also reminds us me that when those days of gloom and doom (even if it's internal) seem never-ending and bring us me down, that there is sooooo much to be thankful for. Kind of a reality check.

Today, for the 1st.
I am thankful that during this gloomy, rainy, chilly Autumn day, I have a dry roof over my head that is a house that we any upkeep is the landlord's responsibility.

FYI: It's a "two-story" house, but the only "livable" part is what's in the pic. Per local custom, the bottom half is the garage/storage. Yep, when we park our vehicle out of the elements inside the garage, it is actually directly under our bedroom.

Odd customs in other parts of the world sometimes.