
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thankfulness Day 25

Nov. 25
I am thankful for traditions.

The main reason behind this thankfulness is Sundays in particular. Growing up, my parents instilled traditions. Some I grew out of like Trick-or-Treating on Halloween. Some continue. Sunday was a day of rest. We got up, got dressed, and went to church. After church, we went somewhere for lunch. It didn't matter if we had eaten out every single day that week or if we had eaten at home, we went out for lunch on Sundays. The afternoons were spent being to speak. Sometimes it was a drive somewhere after lunch. Sometimes it was sitting outside just relaxing in the shade. Sometimes it was spent sitting around reading. Half of the time, it meant a nap for my dad in his recliner. After I grew up, moved out, and got married, a lot of the traditions I had grown up with changed or stopped. A few years ago we started going back to church. Lunch out started out yet again....just like when I was growing up. Lately hubby and I have been trying to eat at home more. It's cheaper and healthier for us. Sundays? We still schedule lunch out after church....continuing the tradition.